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A central library of ad specs for thousands of titles around the world.

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ad.lib is the free-to-search, definitive central library of ad specs, provided in a properly structured digital format. Advertisers can get all the information they need to supply ads correctly, including type area, trim, bleed and PDF sizes, ICC colour space, proofing profile, TAC, deadline information, and more. Users can select different publications and sizes, create a schedule of specs for artworkers, and even download an Adobe InDesign file with the correct size for any ad.


ad.lib is the only solution that can fully deliver publishers’ requirements. Publishers get complete, free access to create, edit, and delete all of their specs, including titles, sections, and sizes, or can simply ask Qmuli to do it for them. Publishers can also create a web link to a single title or to all of their publications presented as a list for users. This allows publishers to carry just one URL link across all of their communications channels and gives advertisers quick and easy access to all the ad specifications they need – saving hours of avoidable calls every week.


ad.lib is one of the key technologies behind many of Qmuli’s apps and services, including, ad.min+, and ad.just, providing an automated way to check specifications and determine if any corrections are necessary.


For advertisers and publishers who want to streamline their production processes even further with ad.lib, Qmuli provides a range of ways to access and integrate its data with other processes and systems using APIs – from a simple web call for publication names to a full system with live updates on all the data in the ad.lib specification library.

ad.lib is the only site to supply all the UK regional title ad specifications. Try it out by visiting our home page and typing a publication name into the search bar. 


Contact us to find out more.

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